So its been a long time since I have probably noticed anyway its been a very fun and busy month. So Sadie's birthday was a blast! She got two birthday parties!! I guess that's what you get when you turn 2! The first one was in Idaho. My family planned a mini party for her when we went up for spring break. We went bowling and then went to Kayla and Adam's clubhouse and had pizza and then sang happy birthday and had cake and ice cream. Then we opened presents and played and went home! It was a blast!
All of the grandkids bowled. It was so funny to watch all of them. In the end I won everyone again. I always win .

This is the clan. Troy, Jandy, Daeson, Tevan, Adam, Kayla, Adalynn, Mieley, Tora, Grandma G, Jayedyn, Mom, and Kaden. Heidi and Dad were on there way to Kentucky so they couldn't make it.

The grandkids having fun.

This is when we sang Happy Birhtday to Sadie... she really liked the attention.

So, I thought it was way awesome that Jandy just decided to make Sadie a birthday cake. Jandy is really talented at making cakes as you can see. She made this for Sadie. It turned out awesome and tasted even better. Thanks Aunt Jandy!

This is Sadie opening up presents. She got a really cute car toy from Daeson and Tevan. Grammy got her a beautiful dress. Grandma G got her a card and moola. Thanks so much everyone for celebrating with us!

As you can see she was a very happy girl.

Party #2... So then all the Shermanators came to Salt Lake City and we had a big party here. Its so fun to celebrate with her cousin Lauren who also turned 2 on the exact same day!! Their births were only a couple of hrs apart. So its been fun to celebrate their bdays together. This is their birthday cake that I got at the bakery by our house. I thought it was cute.

I picked it up early in the morning and all day Sadie wanted so bad just to touch it and lick it.. Fortunately it made it to the party with only one finger mark on it. :)

Sadie had a delicious birthday breakfast. I made her pancakes, bacon and eggs her favorite!

After breakfast we all went to the swimming pool at the hotel they were staying at and went swimming! It was a blast!

Aunt Tracy and Sadie swimming like fishes

The two birthday girls swimming.. they both loved swimming so much they were very sad to get out of the pool!

Daddy and birthday girl

So Uncle Cullin and Todd decided it would be fun to throw Sadie in the air to each other. .. I thought Sadie would cry but she actually loved it!! She went way high too.

Grandpa and the two birthday girls!

Ryker had a blast as well... He loved to jump off the side of the pool with Andrew and Austin.

After the pool we went to Chuck E cheeses and played games. Then we came to my house and ate pizza and had cake and ice cream and then opened presents! Sadie got a cute outfit and p.j's and a toy from Grandma and Grandpa Sherman. She got a cute outfit from Aunt Tassi and Uncle Tony. She got a really cute outfit and dress and bowling toys from Uncle Cullin and Aunt Tracy. Then she got a cute fuzzy teddy bear from Aunt Nicole and Uncle Tyrell. Then she got colored bubbles and a cute outfit from Aunt Terra and Uncle Peter. Then Aunt Elise got her a toy and a cute fuzzy duck. It was SO fun! Thank you everyone for the awesome gifts.
Then we just didn't want to stop partying so we put a movie on for the kids while the adults ate fried chicken, popcorn, veggie tray, soda and chips and salsa and played card games. It was so fun! I am so grateful for our families and the love and support they have always shown to my family. Love you all!
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