Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our first family on our own no mom and dad camping experience! July30-31 with neighbors!

We had our very first camping trip as a family on our own! It was so SO fun! We went with our awesome neighbors-Tom and Brea, Brent and Tessa. We went to Millhollow Lake. It was beautiful! It had some amazing views and some awesome fishing.

When we first got there, the moment we pulled up to the spot it started pouring rain like hard core! There was some serious lightning and thunder! Scary! So for the first hour and a half we set in the car! It was awesome! Here is a picture of us in the car with the rain.

After the rain... the girls played with Brent and Tessa's golf ball throwy game while the boys worked on drying the firewood! ha ha girls have all the fun!

Here is a picture of the valley we stayed in. It was beautiful! There were tons of sheep at the base of the canyon. It was fun to listen to them.

Here is a picture of all the clan who went camping. You can't see it but Tessa had a sweet Las Vegas shirt on. I asked her where she got it from . :) We had some very fun conversations around the campfire. If you want to know what we talked about... just ask Tom and Brea..;)

Sadie loved to eat the dirt. Everytime I turned around, she was eating dirt and I had to get her out of it!
So Tom and Brea was so awesome they let us use there fishing poles and they taught Ryker how to fish. We had such an awesome time and.... Ryker caught his very first fish!!!

This is a picture of Brea and Ryker catching his first fish!! It was so exciting and fun to watch. It was hilarious though because Ryker was SO scared of the fish. If you look at this pictures, his face tells it all...
Ryker didn't want to get close to it at all. But Sadie on the other hand ran right up to the fish and started pushing it and swinging it back and forth. She was not scared at all. She petted it and had a blast. Ryker never touched it though.
This is Ryker's fish. It was a pretty good size Rainbow trout. Thanks Brea for helping him catch the fish! It was so funny because Ryker thought we were going to take it home as a pet but when Todd started cooking it up he started to get really sad .

Aunt Heidi came to visit! July 25-30th

Aunt Heidi came to visit us! It was so much fun to have her stay. We have missed her since she has been in Kentucky. She helped babysit my kids and she cooked some amazing meals! We took her too temple square and had fun looking at the beautiful flowers. Aunt Heidi is awesome we had a blast, we love you Aunt Heidi! Can't wait till next time!

Here is pretty Sadie lady having a fun time . She just wanted to swim so bad in the reflecting pond, but we wouldn't let her.

Aunt Heidi with Ryker and Sadie having fun. The kids loved the fountains! i couldn't keep them out of them!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Double Reunion again... Harris Reunion July 24-25 and Sherman Family Reunion July 25-26

So this weekend we had a double reunion again! The Sherman and Harris reunion! It was a blast!.This is all the grandkids. They all decided they wanted to swim so they all stripped down to their undies and hopped in! It was hilarious and fun to watch.

This is the two beautiful girlies cousin Lauren and Sadie. They were born the exact same day. CRAZY

Thanks to Aunt Tassie all the grankids got to ride on the 4wheeler... at once! They had a blast!

Everyone watched our kids so that we could go jump in the freezing cold Teton river. As you can see none of us were really swimming in it. It took us a while to get used to the cold or should I say it took us a while until we were numb until we could enjoy it! Cullin Tracy Todd and I, Ariel and Zac came with us. We had tons of fun body floating and floating on our half filled tubes that had holes in them! Everyone was jealous of my pink fish toddler tube.
All of the boys stripped down into their undies and decided they were going to jump on the tramp it was cute. It seems like everytime we go to Grandma and Grampa Shermans my kids always strip down to their undies and have a party. haha lol
This is a picture of Grandma and Grandpa Sherman. They are the coolest people ever! Grandma Sherman is hilarious and Grandpa Sherman can still do headstands.

We went to Teton Canyon to have a picnic. We had subway sandwiches yummy! Then we hiked up a ways and took pictures of all the family. Here is our family photo.

Tassi and Andrew ahh so cute
Grandma, Grandpa, Todd and Sadie hiking up the mountain.

Us eating sadwiches... YUMMY get in my tummy!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Harris Reunion July 24-25th

Every year my mother's side of the family has a reunion. We go camping for a week . This year it was at Steel Creek . It was a blast!

We had lots of horseshoe contests. Mom can tell you herself that I won everyone and she lost all of her games. And she even had special gloves to play with and she still lost..... lol jk mom you did awesome! But we probably can all admit that Aunt Annie and Gary were the best of all .

This is my horseshoe serious game face... don't mess with me when I am in the zone of ring a ding ding RINGER!! oh yeah :)

I tried teaching Sadie how to play so that she could take after her mom and be a champion but the horseshoes were a little to heavy for her this yr. maybe next year...

This hammock was everybodies favorite! In fact we almost took the roots right out of the tree we all swung on it so much!

This is Todd's frisbee face. I love this picture I think its hilarious. He played frisbee with all the little girls. He couldn't handle the intensity of the horeshoes. .. jk. Actually all the girls wanted to play frisbee with him. He had the twins and Adalynn and Mieley playing with him.

This is Adalynn throwing the frisbee with Uncle Todd.

And here we have miss Mieley she has her frisbee game face on.

Saturday morning we had Uncle Dean's famous omelettes. Ever since I was little I could remember Uncle Dean making omelettes. He does an amazing job yummy!

Here is the Kayla, Ryker and Mieley in the back of the truck,. There was a big hill that mom, heidi and Kaden liked to ride their bikes down. However, they didn't like riding them back up the hill, so all of us would get in the truck and go pick them up so they didn't have to ride back up the hill....lazy ;)

Here is Dad in his serious book reading mode .. he loves a good book as well as cousin Michelle.

Here is Tora and Kayla going for a bike ride. Super cute photo in my opinion.

And here is the rest of the crew swinging on the hammock. What a blast! Can't wait til next years reunion!!