So my mom asked me to go on a trip with her to Las Vegas and Mesquite for her Idaho Potato Grower business trip. We had a blast. I left the kids in Idaho. Sadie stayed with Kayla and Ryker stayed with Tassi. We flew out of Idaho Falls on Monday and flew home on Friday. We had a blast!

Vegas never sleeps... neither did we. The first night mom and I stayed up until 3 am talking and having fun.

On Tuesday we went to Mesquite and went golfing on a beautiful golf course! It was perfect weather. We did pretty good but unfortunately mom barely beat me.... I was mad.

While we were in Vegas we walked the strip and ate at two buffets, the Treasure Island and the MGM grand hotel buffets. I really liked the salads at Treasure Island and I loved the crab and shrip at the MGM's. And the dessert bars were awesome too!
These pictures are at the MGM we thought the letters were cool so we took a picture. We stayed the night at MGM on Thursday.

This guy is real I thought he was a real statue but then he moved and it totally surprised me.

This was at one of the malls we shopped at, I thought it was way cool how the ceiling was painted.

The mall had water running through it too, that was cool

I wanted this motorbike

The first night we stayed at the Rio and this was their main show. ... My mom went to it but I didn't I was too embarrassed..................... JUST KIDDING my mom and I didn't go but we got pictures of the billboard.

Highlights of the trip..... Mom winning lots of money off of the roulet tables, buffets, staying up late talking with mom, Mom getting hit on by a black jack dealer, the sweet hotel in Mesquite with loud birds that kept us up all night, the 60mph wind gusts that we were determined to golf in no matter what but then realized that the ball was going to hit our head from other golfers... free golf bag, our sweet humongous grand marquis car that we got hooked up with from the rent-a-car place, and the sweet upgrade at our Rio hotel... and the yummy cinnabons we ate at the airport, my ears that almost exploded on the plane and the funny man on the plane that mom couldn't stand but he kept talking to her,...... all and all it was a blast!
Thank you so much Tassi and Kayla for taking care of my kids so that I could have such an awesome time!
Love seeing all the fun in your life. Your kids are cute!
Lol! I love the chippendale pictures! thats to funny. I wish i could have been with you guys i love ya!
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