Wednesday, May 16, 2012

So long time no post.... you probably noticed that.... Well there is a reason. Todd has been working on his thesis for the last 5 months and hasn't been willing to share the computer and then we accidentally lost our memory card of a lot of pictures... super sad I know.  So for the last couple of months we celebrated Sadie's 3rd birthday!!  It was way fun!  We went to Mcdonalds with all her friends then had pizza and macaroni and cheese for dinner followed by presents and cake and ice cream.  She got a shopping cart which was something she has wanted for a long time.  She also got a care bear cake that I made for her.  It was fun!  We had a great Easter the bunny found us.  We had friends over for dinner.  Oakley turned 7 months and just yesterday had her first tooth poke through!  3 kids is way busy Im am still adjusting.  Sadie is in gymnastics and dance and Ryker is in preschool, tball and soccer.  Then Todd is super busy with school work, applying for jobs, finishing up thesis and work and homework and work,.....did I say work.  He is a busy boy!  Life if crazy busy but SUPER duper awesome !! HOpe all is well for you all!

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