So Brent and Tessa are amazing and they invited us to go to Bear Lake with them and stay in a cabin and live it up! It was so SO fun! We had never been to bear lake so it was really fun. Tom and Bre and Dan and Nicole came too! The kids had a blast. We got to boat all day on Saturday and play in the water and sand! We got to eat lots of yummy food like pulled pork sandwiches, omelets, french toast, fresh salsa yummy! We also got to go boating on Dan's boat. Todd got to try wake boarding for his first time and Ryker got to ride on a boat for his first time. It was a blast thanks Brent, Tessa, Tom Bre, Dan and Nicole!
At the end of the trip, Todd was a little bit red! He got sunburned so bad! We even put sunblock on him twice in the day but it just didn't work. None of us got burned but him. He was pretty miserable. His arms were sore from tubing and wake boarding and his skin was on fire. There was one night his skin itched so bad he thought he was going to go crazy. Anyway it was well worth it!
I love TOdd's face in these pictures....
1 comment:
ahaha that was so fun! I'm so glad you guys came! Looking at todd's face I can just hear his riddle voice....haha "whaaaat has ...a something something" I don't even remember the riddle but it had me stumped.
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