Monday, June 13, 2011

What have we been up too?

So there is a story behind this picture. One day we were going to go to the library... Ryker asked me if he could take his blanket to the library. I told him no. He asked several more times and I told him no every single time. So when it was time to go, I told him to take his blanket up to his room and get his jacket on. So, he went upstairs and came downstairs looking like this and said..... "K mom, I'm ready to go.... He thought he was being so sneaky. What was hilarious about it all was the shirt that he chose to wear..............

Ryker has some very exciting news.... He can ride his bike without training wheels!!!!!

He is so proud and happy that he can do it... he hasn't been off his bike since. I taught him how to do it and he picked up on it really fast.

Ryker has been playing on a soccer team since March. He has gotten really good. At first it was like horrible he would like stand and pick his nose while everyone kicked the ball around him. But after lots of Daddy practice time he got to be really good at the end of the season he knew what to do and he loved it.

One day his coach decided to try him as goaly. That didn't go so well...

If you look at Ryker in this picture he is totally closing his eyes and praying that the ball doesn't hit him....Lets just say he was way better at kicking it in the goal.

With the recent nice weather we have been outside a lot and the kids love to swim. Our neighbors and the kids have swam every nice day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your kid def has a good sense of humor, geepers! ha!