So we have started a new tradition in the groovin Grover family. We have a gingerbread contest against brothers and sisters. Last year I won everyone of course... and this year of course I won again! j/k last year I actually didn't win, Jandy did and Todd came in second.... I came in 2nd to last... Kaden was last.... Anyway.. I was pretty upset about that so I was totally going to redeem myself this year and make the coolest barn in the world. I made the gingerbread from scratch and everything (unlike my brothers and sisters who buy theirs from walmart) after I pulled out the gingerbread from the oven I sat it out too cool and the dogs ate it!!!! NOOOOO anyway so I had to work with scraps. You would think that because I only had scraps I would have lost this year but actually I totally won!
This year we didn't have a judge because no one wanted to do it! Everyone we asked said no because they were afraid that if they don't pick the right winner that we would not like them anymore so we don't know who won. HOwever...... I decided to appoint myself as the judge this year since nobody stepped up to the line. SO.. i would like to announce the winners... ME first place, Todd second. tie between Heidi and Jandy for 3rd and then pretty much adam kayla and kaden tie for last place.. sorrry ;) Congratulations to me!!

Heidi did a beautiful house with a pond=3rd place

Daeson and his awesome house

Adalynn and her princess house

Mieley and her beautiful house
This is TOdds freakin sweet awesome original homemade design. It has homemade gingerbread cars made from scratch and the monster truck again homemade gingerbread with chocolate donuts for the wheels and the spectators ... gummy bears what an amazing idea! This is definately 2nd place material!

THis is Kayla's face as she waits for the results of her gingerbread house ....

Adam and Kayla's log cabin ..................... last place

And here we have the grand prize winner... Danielle Grace Grover Sherman!!! 1st place gingerbread winner for 2010 Grover contest!! the crowd goes wild. I mean look at that piece of art. It is my finest work yet. To start the gingerbread it is homemade with the finest ingredients fresh an delicious. THe roof what an amazing idea to use such fine detail. And then in front with icicles what an original idea and then the little animal cookies stowed away in the manger wow! then to top it off i used a little wagon upfront. This is going to be hard to ever top off . probably it will go down as the Grovers finest gingerbread house ever! 1st place forever!

Whoops I accidently posted this picture Ryker sometimes takes the camera and takes pictures of himself and then...

Cant wait for next years contest so that I can win again.. It was fun family and hopefully one day someone will be able to beat me.
Wow those were some great houses! I love that you made yourself the judge! You are so funny!
Wow! First place! I'm glad you find such peace and happiness in your delusional world! Congrats to you! (And you actually stole the credit for the wagon?? C'mon, we all know that was Todd's idea!) Oh Danny Van, (cuz you drive a VAN now - ha, ha, ha!) you're one in a billion! :) And we actually bought our kit from Albertsons, not walmart.
I bought my kit from SAMS...related, but not WalMart. Besides, making gingerbread is a pain in the butt and I would rather spend my time doing other PUKING MY STINKING GUTS OUT! But, all feelings aside :), congrats. I think that it was one up in that we actually DID the gingerbread houses. This will, I am sure, be something we do once in a while...but I don't think I can handle the stress and competition EVERY year! ;) Oh, and we want pictures of the VAN...oh yes we do!
I think I sense some jealousy from my sister-in-laws or should I say ......sore losers ;)
I do cry myself to sleep every night. . .why oh why aren't I as cool as Danielle??? Why don't I make gingerbread from scratch??? WHY???? (sniffle, sniffle.)
And I agree, it was your finest work yet.
Atleast I don't drive a van. :P
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