Monday, December 6, 2010

Huge exciting news!

So, we didn't go to Lake Havasupai in October like we had planned too because Todd had an interview with some Japanese representatives from Hitache-GE, we were kind of bummed..... UNTIL NOW!!!! We just found out that Todd got an internship with Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy for the summer of 2011! He is so super excited. He gets to see two new nuclear power plants be built and he gets to learn all about the process! Good Job TODD!! I am so proud of you...


Janice said...

Very exciting! Will you be going with him?

Kayla said...

First of all CONGRATS!!! We're proud of you too!

Second, where exactly does that mean you guys will be going this summer???

Unknown said...

in japan??

The Nicolaysens said...

That's awesome! Does that mean you will be going to Japan?