So Todd and I and a bunch of neighbors are planning a trip to Lake Havasupai in Septemeber. We are really excited. We have been trying to get in shape for it because its a pretty hard hike. So we decided last weekend to go and hike Mt Olympus. So we got a babysitter and went. It was insane! I have never been on a hike where it is literally straight up and straight down with nothing else in between! It was a pretty hard hike, but it was totally worth it! As you can see the view was incredible! It took us 5hrs and 30minutes to complete. We were pretty proud that we could do it. However, Todd was kind of a whanny afterwards. He was like. "my legs hurt so bad" -haha I love ya Todd.

This is us on top of the mountain

This is me on top of the mountain. I look really tired... I was. I was trying to call my mom to let her know I was on top of the world but she didn't answer. oh well.

This is the summit right before the top. It was a little scary in some places because it was very steep as you can see. I couldn't get Todd to look at the camera. He said he didn't want too look at the camera but that he just wanted to stare. So... here is a picture of Todd staring off into the distance I hope you enjoy it. ;) Deep thoughts Todd...

This is also towards the top. It is pretty steep, its like rock climbing except for without gear. See Dad, I told you it was hard! (My dad teases me and says that Mt Olympus is a hill, not a mountain).
All in all we had an awesome time. Our next goal and adventure is going to be Mt Timpanogas. We figured since we are living by all these beautiful mountains we might as well climb them. And Yes... my legs were really sore too.
How fun! Ben has always talked about how we should hike Mt. Olympus sometime so it was fun to see your pictures. We also want to hike Timp. The Mountains in that area are so pretty. Ben's family lives close by so we are down a lot. We should do a hike with you sometime or at least come and visit you.
Wow. It looks really pretty. I bet Todd's deep thoughts were "Owie"
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